


What They’re Saying

Justin Langer: Former coach of the Australia men's national team 2018 - 2022. Australia's test opening batsmen during the early and mid-2000s, considered one of the most successful ever.
It’s been an integral part of my life since 1993 and it’s also been a very important part of any success I’ve had as a sportsman and as a coach but also as a person. When I learned how to have more control of my thoughts and concentrate on what was important, I became a much better player because I wasn’t getting distracted and my confidence wasn’t getting taking big hits and I was a lot more consistent in my thought processes, and where my energy had to go and much more consistent therefore in my performances. I meditate every day because I know how powerful it is and I know how it makes me feel.”
John Wright: Former captain of New Zealand cricket team. Coach for India's national team 2000-5, and New Zealand 2010-12.
I learnt the TM [transcendental meditation] technique. I used it and then sort of used it off and on and then once I became captain of New Zealand later in my career, I used it regularly again. I found that those techniques were helpful.” “Some people call it mental toughness, it wasn’t mental toughness, it was just being mentally organised, being able to get out there and express yourself in a way you knew you were capable of but you made it hard for yourself because of the pressure you put on yourself.”
John Bracewell: Former international cricketer and coach at Gloucester-shire County Cricket Club
Your mind seems so much clearer all the time. You’re less confused about decisions. You can find your arousal level that is required for your sport. The clarity of mind TM brings helps you find this level.” “It helps you stay cool and exact under pressure. Whenever I’m under pressure now I’ve felt clearer – that the decision I’ve made is the right one.”
Larry Bowa: World Series Champion 1980
I think the most important thing in baseball is to go up there and being able to concentrate every single at bat. I know before I started TM that I might be able to concentrate one or two times at the plate and I'd get one or two hits, and I'd say oh! I got my two hits. But now I have a tendency, I concentrate almost every single time up there and I can really feel the concentration more since I've been TMing . Because l don't have any other worries on my mind, everything is smooth and easy and it comes really natural to me now.

To play the game I think you have to be relaxed and I think through TM it's really relaxed me and I can go out there and I don't have a care in the world. Whereas before I'd be thinking about this bill to pay at home and what am I going to do and I'm trying to catch a ground ball or trying to hit a base. It's hard enough playing the game when your mind is carefree but I think TM has really helped me in that aspect. I felt that last year I was very strong at the end of the year and I feel that Transcendental Meditation had a lot to do with this. I didn't let my emotions get carried away on the field. If I have a bad night I can go home and TM and completely forget about the previous day's action and start all over the next day and I think that really had a great effect on me. One question that often comes up is does this mean that you're less aggressive. People say that if you're real relaxed and you are a baseball player then you're not aggressive. I feel that TM has made me more aggressive but I'm doing it in a more relaxed manner. When things get tight in situations where the base is loaded, and all the infielders don't want the ball to hit you, I feel I want the ball to hit me. I feel I'm so confident that I can catch the ball and I'm so relaxed that if the ball is hit to me that I'm going to make the play. I think that TM it has made me a more relaxed person and I'm really at ease out there.

To me TM just makes the day seem unbelievably super. I wake up some mornings really feeling bad and I TM for 20 minutes and I get a whole new side of the picture.
Del Unser: World Series Champion 1980
I like Transcendental Meditation because it's brought me a little bit of something that you call maybe inner peace, restfulness. Maybe a little bit more awareness about who I am or what I do. And it's also brought me a lot more perspective about the way things are. I think it's something that is physiologically good for you. It's something that can be very helpful to anyone who lives any kind of pressured life at all. Any type of stressful situations that arise are much more easily coped with through Transcendental Meditation.
Jim Lonborg: All Star 1967
In baseball you can kind of go through play your games well, and you can let your whole life be surrounded about the winning and losing of ball games. And a lot of times you can lose sight of how important it is to be at home with your family and how important it is to to follow through on your love for your family and and I think that in meditation I've been able to enjoy my relationship with my family so much more because my thoughts are so much clearer on how I really feel about them. Maybe they were cloudier before but I feel now that that through meditation I can express my thoughts about my family, about my wife, about my child and about our life together. After TMing because of the clearness that I would have in my own mind about what I wanted to do when I went out on the field it would make me more positive in my approach to pitching and being more positive made me more aggressive and being more aggressive, I think, has made me a better pitcher.
Ted Simmons: 8 X All Star 1972-1974, 1977-1979, 1981, 1983
I think I've been able to focus much better. By that I mean you know there's a ball that a pitcher throws and the sooner you pick up that ball as it's released from his hand and identify the spin on that ball which will determine if it's a straight ball, a fast ball, a slider or curve the better opportunity you're going to have to hit it. Well, I think that through the mental clarity that exists through Transcendental Meditation I've been able to focus on that much quicker and maintain that focus. I've been meditating regularly and I know that it's been helping in that way.
Bill Freehan: World Series Champion 1968
I've found myself maybe not as anxious and maybe not finding the pressure build as I used to, and I've performed a little better in some of the situations especially at bat. I think catching in the same way. Instead of letting the pressure of a maybe a ninth-inning rally where we're sitting on a one-run lead and the people are all excited and the fans full of emotion. I think that sometimes instead of letting that pressure get to you or your mind, because of the relaxation and removal of stress that Transcendental Meditation has helped relieve me of I think I found myself concentrating on the ball game right here and now and this situation rather than worrying about the whole pressure of the situation that the ballgame brings out.
Willie Stargell: World Series Champion 1971 and 1979
I like TM because it helps me relax. It now helps me to do things that I've never done before on a massive level to do so many various types of things. I like TM because I'm refreshed where before I wasn't, especially in the late evenings. A lot of times I wake up in the morning and I had nothing but a tired body to carry me through a strenuous day. But now like I've like I've told so many of my friends I can't tell them what is good for them, nor can I tell anyone else. But I think if anyone is interested in keeping their heads screwed on properly, being able to maintain sanity, the type of person that has a lot to do with a lot of things and want to be able to enjoy and unwind and relax then I think it's worth whatever to get into it just to check it out if nothing else to find Transcendental Meditation representatives throughout the country and throw any and every question at them as I did. I'm a very sceptical person as I'm sure you realize by the questions I asked you and they were the type of answers that I was looking for. I was assured it was what I wanted I have nothing to say but plusses for it. If there were some minuses or things that I didn't appreciate or felt that I was misled I would have to be honest with the viewers no matter whatever I'm involved in. It might be the key to everything you know we need something to bring this country back to together for people to look at each other and say hello and really mean it to shake a hand and really appreciate the handshake. And to get into each other you know a lot of people want to talk but no one wants to listen. By having your head on tight and fairly relaxed you find time to listen to what people want to say.
Paul Owens: General Manager World Series Champions Philadelphia Phillies 1980
The majority people have pretty much comparable talents but it's how you use them and that's why I like TM just from a personal standpoint because the one thing I liked about it is, it is yourself. You don't need any help with it and I think as a golfer knows, particularly in an individual sport, it's the mental over the physical so many times which makes the difference between winning or losing. And I think each of us in our own way does the same thing and that is why I like it so much because I can be in the middle of a million things going at once and I can take my 20 minutes and meditate I just feel like I had a two hour nap and I can go again and I think you have to be ready in a 24 hour a day situation so not to let yourself down because so much depends upon you. I really feel down deep that has helped me in so many ways and it's really given me more than what I expected.
Don Leopold:Director of TM in Sports 1975, interviewing Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maharishi many of the athletes when they start Transcendental Meditation noticed faster reaction times and that they're playing better but very quickly what they talk about is that every area of their life is growing. Their family life, their business life. This is because a settled state of mind of pure consciousness if the basis of all success is the basis of all progress so once one experiences that in meditation one becomes better in all fields. Transcendental Meditation is something very basic to life and that develops full potential of consciousness which then becomes the basis for all progress and all evolvement in life. All the athletes know that their mind has to be in deep coordination with the body for them to become a champion so the use of Transcendental Meditation in the field of athletes is growing very fast and it's a very satisfying evidence that the consciousness of the whole population is rising towards being more effective. Mind body coordination is at the basis of championship in any field and through the practice of Transcendental Meditation the mind-body coordination improves very greatly. What Transcendental Meditation is it silences its quietens down the activity of the mind and brings such deep rest to the mind and body, releases all the stresses and strains remove the fatigue and tiredness of the mind and body and refreshes the person. The vitality becomes more and in effect meditation is a very simple natural practice to quieten down the activity of the mind and take the mind to the transcendental consciousness, fourth state of consciousness, to the unlimited potential of the mind unbounded awareness and with this the body becomes healthier and more efficient. Every champion wants to be a better champion. The aspiration of every champion to be a champion who would break the records first. Improved awareness improved coordination of mind and body is a very beautiful thing to have.
Ruly Carpenter: Owner of World Series Champions Philadelphia Phillies 1980
I really think it could help anybody help anybody regardless of whether you're a housewife or a major league baseball club owner, a bulldozer operator, or a schoolteacher, anybody I mean it just makes you a better person you can cope with your problems.
John Markham:Director of The Cool Brain, reviewing the video
This 1975 video deserves a postscript based on information taken from the record books. The background to this story is that thousands had learned TM in America among them many professional athletes. For example, more than 10% of Major League baseball players had learned. It's no surprise therefore to see six Award winners on here testifying on its great value to them, but in the years that followed it became clear that one club had grasped just how powerful this technique could be when used in a team setting. The Philadelphia Phillies, represented here by three players, the general manager and club owner, had not distinguished itself for years. In 1974 that started to change. All in the club were offered TM including the players' wives. From a position of sixth in 1973 they climbed to third in the year of learning, and continued with divisional titles followed by league successes. The ultimate prize came in 1980, and what followed looks like the effect that a changed mindset can produce from also rans to champions. One player not on here, great hero of the club Steve Carlton, observed "when people ask me about Transcendental Meditation, I just tell them that it's helping me make myself a better person and that I just feel real good about it. Once the stresses are gone from the nervous system everything just naturally goes better."
Barry Zito: World Series Champion 2012
TM helps at a core level. It's like taking your vitamins so you don't get sick instead of getting sick and then having to take some medicine to make the sickness go away. Meditation erases the stress before it can take hold.
Joe Namath: Super Bowl Champion 1969
Joe Namath has said he practiced –and still does– transcendental meditation to increase his all-field vision, overall reaction time, endurance and to speed recovery. Namath has said that this type of meditation also encourages the brain to experience deep rest, which he says helped him recover immensely after games.
Aaron Rodgers: Super Bowl Champion 2011
I recently got into transcendental meditation, which changed the entire game for me on meditation. For the longest time, I felt that I had a problem that I couldn’t quiet my mind, which is, actually, normal because you have 50,000 to 90,000 thoughts in any given day. But in TM, you embrace those thoughts, and the more you embrace those thoughts and give energy to those thoughts and let those thoughts actually dissipate, it’s been a really beautiful practice to cultivate and try and master, and something I do on game days as well.
Allison Roe: Former world record holder in marathon and 20 kilometres, Television producer, triathlon coach and mother
TM brings balance into my busy schedule. I wanted a technique that would ensure health, fitness and mental well-being. With TM I have the energy and vitality to work very long hours, exercise regularly, and still function well as a mother." "Right from day one you see the improvements in your life - less stress and greater happiness. And from then it just gets better."
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